Thursday 13 June 2013

Setting New Standards BE THE REAL YOU!!!!

Whatever you do in life be the real you. who is the real you? the real you is happy, joyful, grateful, appreciative, whatever happy positive words you can think of is the real you but you have to feel them too.
Jack Canfield has put forward a theory in regards to our behaviours. E+R+O and that is Events, Response and Outcome. Events we cant change ,they are going to happen anyway be it a good event or bad event, but , we can change is our response to it, and as Jack went on to say when things go wrong and we don't get the outcome we desire we always blame the event when in fact it is our behaviour that sets the outcome . Change your response!!!! change your thinking, your belief, and your behaviours. It might not always be a good outcome but how we respond is the key and will give us the strength to walk away from things that no longer serve us.

I have recently set some very high standards for myself but as Derek Mills says "people will still judge and see you at your old standards" at least for a while. You must keep to these standards anyway ,it is quite magical, you will see results and I promise you that.
Because of these standards I have set for myself I find myself doing things that I have always wanted to do but just never did it. My book Life Is Like Pink Elephants And Lemonade is in its infancy and while I am eager to get this book out to the public I do want to take my time with it. The words and message I am trying to convey to the world is important to me. Its not going to be complicated just simple and easy ,as I want to reach audiences of all ages. I hope it brings comfort and joy to whoever reads it. It will be available first through iApple but hardback or paperback book will be available as well.

Life is meant to be joyful ,but, we have been made to believe from a very young age that life is supposed to be hard and we have to work very hard at it, and boy!!! how many quotes and bumper stickers do we see saying life is meant to be hard. I have lived with that belief for so long but when I let go of that belief things started to change  As quoted by Esther Hicks " people tend to try and paddle upstream because they think everything they want is there, when in fact all you have to do is let go of the paddles and bask in the down stream because all the good things are there, truly they are. Go about your day with ease and things will flow.

As your vibration changes things change. Events, people, situations will fall away because we are no longer a vibrational match. At first it may be a difficult thing to do especially when it comes to people, we try and change them but we cant, nor should we.
You cant do that because it makes me unhappy, don't do that because it makes me unhappy, you cant go there it makes me unhappy, I don't want you to do that because it makes me that familiar to anyone?, I'm  pretty sure it is. When I stopped doing things or more importantly stopped doing things because it made people unhappy it thwarted my growth. people should be allowed to grow into the person they are meant to be and what a woman I am turning out to be.

I have surrounded myself with motivational and positive people. Actors, artists, photographers, they live life to the full their facebook statuses are amazing and you can tell they are living their life in alignment to how they feel and because of that their success is evident.

I know this is all words to some people and yes words don't teach, we can only teach through the clarity of our example, so I am now very mindful of how I behave especially around young people.

                      I like being me, the REAL me, its easy.


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