Sunday 30 June 2013

Law Of Attraction Summit MIND BLOWING!!!!!
The law of attraction summit has been mind blowing as it says in the title of this blog. While all the speakers have the same objective in mind, that is to help people by implementing law of attraction into their lives, they all brought something different to the table with their amazing techniques. Of course we had our favourites, but its all about finding what works for you. We have kept each blog fairly short we didn't want to make this long winded, to be honest they all pretty much speak for themselves, and you will have direct links to their websites for much more detailed information. We are not an expert in many of the techniques so visiting the readers websites is recommended. We are only going to briefly outline each of the guest speakers techniques.

We are so excited to share this experience with you because we know it will change your lives. I myself  have incorporated some of the techniques I have learnt from this summit and I can just say WOW. How fast these techniques work is up to you, all I am saying is, give some of these techniques a try, find the ones that work for you.

First of all before we move onto the blog we would like to thank the LOA for hosting such a thrilling and mind blowing summit, we are truly grateful, and of course we are truly grateful for all the guest speakers that have been a part of this summit. 

I would like to introduce Life Coach/Counsellor Tinez a very good friend and co-creating buddie of mine, who has also been following this summit along with myself, we love having discussions after the end of each session and find that we are just bouncing all this information off of each other.Tinez has been a great help with this blog and for that I am truly grateful

Hi, this is Tinez so great to be here. Life has given me plenty of contrast to show me what I didn't want and what I do want and that basically, only the now is where it all happens.
Before one can use the LOA in such a way that it starts manifesting the things you want, you do need to learn how it works and MOST OF ALL,how you work, truly understand your processes, the effect of them and being aware of them always. For most of us that's the bit that usually 
takes work but once you grasp the concept and you start FEELING that inspiration ……….fasten your seatbelt and it will be hard to wipe the smile of your face! 
It has inspired me to keep on learning, help others and do what I do with passion. I found all the summits inspiring although some gave me a bigger high then others but I'm sure there is a AHA moment for all in all of them. Utterly enjoyed them! Keep going. Hope you like the blog.
(which Jane, my best LOA buddy, did most the work on)

Of course I would also like to introduce myself. Jane Billingham creator of Life Is Like Pink Elephants And lemonade. First and foremost I am a deliberate creator and fully understand that what is happening to me in life is the universe responding to me, and so far the evidence of law of attraction is just fantastic. I was fully aware of the law of attraction 5 years ago and had a book call The Power by Rhonda Byrne but I guess I just wasn't ready for it. It has only the been the last 2 years that I incorporated  law of attraction into my life, and almost kicked myself  that I had access to this 3 years prior. My life like many others just hit the ground, illness, death, broken relationships in fact 2011 was the worst time of my life, BUT also the new birthing of my life and I have never looked back since. I believe we can have, be or do anything we want and I am hoping to show you how. Words don't teach, we can only lead by example and I am finding more and more that people are noticing the changes in my life, of course people are intrigued by what I am doing, many of my friends say how much I inspire them to make changes for themselves and that just thrills me, I am achieving what I have set out to do.
I  now own 2 business soon to be a third , I travel all over the USA,  I am writing my first book, my body is healthy, my relationships are healthy, my finances are healthy and I have something that is happening ( a dream come true) that I will reveal at a later date. I turned all this around in 2 years and you can too, I don't care how big or small your dream is you can have it
I love, love, love my life

I can be found at:

You can also find me on my coomunity page at selfgrowth

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Day 1
Bob Doyle

Day 1 kicked off with the amazing Bob Doyle. I myself resonate with Bob and his passion for doing and being all the things we want.Trying to move past self beliefs or beliefs that have been put upon us for many, many years.
For example staying in a job we don't like because the pay cheque gives us security, or staying in a relationship we know is not serving us because it gives us much need security but gives little content and doesn't serve us emotionally.
Bobs video today was very powerful at least it was for me. Today I was introduced to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) It was something that I was familiar with but never implemented into my life.While in its early stages this technique combined with the Law of Attraction is powerful in bringing results to your much wanted ease of life.

What is EFT?. EFT is a form of acupuncture is you like, but without the use of needles, and this is something you perform yourself without the need of anyone else around.
The technique consists of tapping on designated points on the body, whilst focusing on removing negative emotions, reduce pain or implement positive goals.

I am not going to get too much into what EFT is, simply because there are websites that can give you a much better explanation then I can, plus I am not an expert on this technique.  So before attempting this procedure I recommend visiting Carol Look

I also recommend watching this video of Bob Doyle explaining EFT

List of body parts for tapping:

1.Top of head in a tapping circular motion.
2. The forehead, Between the eyebrows
3. Side of the eye
4. Under the eye
5. Top of the mouth, just under the nose
6. The chin
7. Collar bone
8. Just below arm pit (around 4 inches)

Lets give this a go

Before I start I will warn you this powerful and if your are not ready I would leave this until you are ready.

For instructional purposes I am going to use an example. Lets try to eliminate a negative association that maybe you have been carrying around with you for some time.
Firstly I want you to think about what is causing your negative emotion and how it feels. I then want you to judge your emotion on a  scale of  1-10. 10 of course being the most negative.
Once you have established where you are on this scale, ask yourself how you are really feeling, this will tap into that emotion and feeling.
Begin by tapping the side of the hand whilst saying "Even though I am feeling (in here I want you to say what ever it is that is bothering you) I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway, I want you to do this 3 times.
Once you have done that I want you to again feel what intensity your negativity is now feeling on a scale of 1-10.Are you feeling any better? if not repeat the process again and remember keep tapping that hand. I want you to try and get down that scale and release that emotion, this is quite powerful and does work. But once again I want to stress that only do this when you feel you are ready, as you will be tapping into some powerful emotions.

Now lets incorporate this technique is bringing  in something you want into your existence.  For example it could be a new car, new house or a new job.
The meditation should take around 12-15 minutes and you can do this as many times you feel it needs to be done, our main objective here is to let go of the resistance that is blocking this manifestation that you desire. and really stepping into the vision.
First of all what is it you want to focus on? write down 3 things you want to happen in regards to this desire you want to bring into existence.
Is this want you really want? always a good question to ask yourself, and by doing this meditation you may find its not what you want after all, in other words it can bring you some clarity .
During this meditation you must tap on the various body parts. Sit in a comfortable quite place, breath deeply, don't force your breathing,  but focus on it whilst in a relaxed state. If your mind wonders (that is normal) just bring yourself back to focusing on your breathing.
Now focus your attention on your vision, allow any emotion that comes forward to just be, say to yourself "I have this now". See yourself with the results of what you want, if its money see yourself in abundance and wealth...etc... If resistance creeps in don't resist it just continue to tap and release it.
If the resistance becomes too intense Stop your visualisation and go back to tapping on the side of the hand and repeating  the procedure  "Even though I am feeling (in here I want you to say what ever it is that is bothering you) I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway, I want you to do this 3 times. What we are trying to do here is release this negative emotion. Once you have done that go back to your meditation.

Lets go deeper.........
I want you to see the result (Keep tapping those body parts), I want you to feel fulfilled, get right into the experience like it is real, Listen......what do you hear?, are there any smells?, reach out and touch something, feel the texture, walk around ( it may be a new house you envisioned) , drive your really sit down, close your eyes and imagine driving that car you want, feel the leather seats, smell that new car smell, feel the steering wheel in your hand....what do you see? what road are you driving along? did you see anyone you know?give them a wave.... say to yourself "I am here NOW!!!!" Be inside that vision stay there for at least a few minutes then allow the gratitude, I mean really feel that gratitude.

Do this as many times as you like is really does bring in the results and more importantly helps to eliminate all the negative feelings of resistance to having what you want to achieve.

I really hope this works for you, I can say if it is implemented correctly it will give you magical results.

of course folks please take notice of the usual disclaimers. This is not intended to replace any medication or advice by a 

DAY 2 

 Sonia Ricotti

"The law of attraction is always working, but it might not be working in your favour"

The law of attraction doesn't work for me, I have started with those words because that is also the most quoted words I get from people around me. Unless you are a deliberate creator the law of attraction it will never work in your favour and in order for it to work you must be in a high vibration level.

Whilst we cannot go through life without some negativity entering our lives we can turn it around, you can shift that energy to a higher vibration. Rising your vibration is going to be the focus on this part of the blog. What we are aiming for is a state of peace,joy, love and gratitude and I am going to share with you Sonia's 12 steps to achieving that.

1. Decide what you want 
2. Create a sacred space (this could be burning some candles, listening to some music or meditating)
3. Choose your thoughts and feelings 
4. Uncover and release limiting beliefs
5. Surrender to what is (what you resist, persists)
6. Unleash the past
7. Visualise the future as if it is here.
8. Forgive.
9. Make gratitude a daily practice.
10. Choose your friends/people carefully
11. Always, always come from a place of love.

I am going to briefly expand on some of those 12 pointers and I am going to start with choose your thoughts and feelings as I feel this is crucial to your vibrational offering . Whenever a thought comes into your head you will know how you feel about that thought by how you are feeling, but at any time we can change the way we feel even if that thought is negative, and this is what you should aim to do.  If it is a negative thought let go of the resistance, remember what you resist, persists . It may not be easy to do at first but if you try you can pull out positive attributes to any negative situation and apply it to your thoughts and feelings. 

Uncover and release limiting beliefs. Never, never tell yourself you cannot have that, or your not good enough for that, those very thoughts and affirmation will most definitely thwart any success you want in life. Believe you can have do or be anything you want, because it is true.

"You don't manifest what you want, you manifest what you believe"  

Believing and trusting yourself and the universe is a crucial element to all the good things you want.

Choose your friends and people wisely, who you hang with in life important is to your own vibrational level. If you have surrounded yourself with people that are complaining, whining, gossiping or who are negative, controlling, it will effect your vibration its is that simple. negativity is toxic and contagious.
Surround yourself with people that lift you, support you , do good things, with a positive outlook in life.  If you do, you will notice a massive shift. Remember people are a reflection of yourself.

Make gratitude a daily practice. I do this daily from the time I awaken to the time I go to sleep.People tend to only be grateful for the things they have but you must also be grateful for the things you don't have yet. be grateful for the small things too, the cup of coffee you had this morning, be grateful for the people that grow and harvest the coffee beans, the people that pack it to send it to the stores, the people that load it on to their delivery trucks to deliver the stores where you eventually buy it. There are some many people to be grateful for that are involved in the process of the things we want and enjoy.
Buy yourself a journal and write in it before you go to sleep at night, pick out things from your day you are truly grateful for and write them down, I always like to write down why I am grateful too.

This one is my favourites, Always come from a place of love. I don't care how someone chooses to treat me, and it is a choice, I will always treat them with love, gratitude and respect. Do every thing with love, your work, your hobbies, yourself, always from a place of love.

Day 3

 Ryan Harris Prosperity Coach

 Creator and host of prosperity radio and author of 30 seconds to prosperity. 

Ryan wanted to share with us today that our attitudes and internal state of being towards money is what manifests abundance to us.

 I have never specifically put my focus into any one area of my life, especially on money because to be honest money comes to me frequently with no resistance. However after listening to Ryan's talk I have made a few adjustments in my relationship with money, and the results just within a matter of days have been phenomenal.

I did this by applying Ryan's 7 step process, which I will briefly share with you today.

1. Preparing of letting go of what doesn't work/ mental shift on personal development.
2. Learning the law of prosperity.
3. Crystallising your vision, be clear about what you want.
4. Opening to receive.
5. Owning it, opening the door to a new financial prosperous life.
6. Becoming a master of money.
7. Riding up words spiral/fine tune all of the other steps.

These steps are all about doing one thing in common and that is changing yourself on the inside so you can change things on the outside.
Being open to receiving is an important aspect of drawing in financial abundance into your life.  You must believe that you deserve abundance and focus more on letting it be, then on trying to make things happen.

Most of Ryan's processes I was already applying to my life  and I had learnt these from other practices of law of attraction. But I think the people that would most benefit from these 7 steps are people that are still finding it difficult to acquire the wealth they want, even though they are applying the law of attraction into their lives and having amazing results in others areas. I find the reasons why many people are not financially successful is because of their self belief about money. We have always been made to believe that money doesn't come easy, you have to work really hard for it and my favourite one, money is the root of all evil. Basically we either believe we are not worthy, or, wanting money is just evil.
Wanting money is not evil, however what some people will do for money can be evil and I guess that is where we are getting it mixed up. People rob, kill, manipulate, sometimes we will even self sabotage ourselves for money, for example staying in relationships that serves us financially yet give us little in love and abundance.  I think that is where most people have the belief that money is evil and we need to get away from that belief.

We are worthy, ALL of us are worthy of a life full of wealth where we can buy anything we want, when we we want to buy it and enjoy a prosperous life.

"Having always been fascinated with using spiritual principles to navigate life's challenges, I am a firm believer in aligning your energy with your desires, and using that leverage to create the life of your dreams. Though I have a background in Information Technology, Real Estate, and Internet Marketing, my life's work is to help show others how to experience everything they've ever wanted from life, and it all starts with FEELING EMPOWERED and ALIGNED, and these feelings are available to us continuously if we choose to embrace them." Ryan Harris

Day 4

 Liz Green
 Liz Green known as the Law of Attraction Queen

"What we vibrate, we create"

What can I say about Liz Green. She is adorable, as soon as she starting talking she leapt off the screen with her bubbly personality. There she was sipping on her cup of tea, by the way she invited us to go get out own cup of tea, which is what I did ,and then sat back and spent a lovely hour with Liz.

 Liz focuses on clearing and cleansing your vibration, which I think is a great way to start your day. The law of attraction is working everyday and I see evidence of that through my own experiences, and also through others experiences. Do this clearing and cleansing daily.

The best way to do a clearing is by getting a sense of the vibration you are feeling, which is pretty much what Bob Doyle was talking about, getting in touch with how we feel. What is it you are feeling now? If you are feeling the contrast in your life, and what I mean by contrast is simply the negative things in your life, Liz encourages you to focus on that, but only briefly and keep it light and then ask yourself these questions.
1. What negative things am I resisting?
2. What will it take for these things to pop up in a loving allowing way?
When you has assessed your situation or feelings, reset how you want it to be, release it and then go do something else, like, go for a walk, draw, paint, do yoga, anything that will take your mind away from it.
It might sound like a simple procedure but we all know how difficult it can be to release negative associations or feelings. In fact we put up resistance and in turn create more of what we don't want.
I like the fact that Liz does not have you shy away from negative experiences, rather she encourages you to experience them and I guess that is the processes of successfully clearing your vibration, dealing with it and then releasing it.

Sometimes when we feel strong emotions that we label as the “negatives” ~ sadness, anger, frustration, irritation, crying and generally feeling lower down the emotional scale we can beat ourselves up about it.  Judging ourselves for not being happy or feeling good, maybe for not being the up lifter that we usually are. - See more at:
Sometimes when we feel strong emotions that we label as the “negatives” ~ sadness, anger, frustration, irritation, crying and generally feeling lower down the emotional scale we can beat ourselves up about it.  Judging ourselves for not being happy or feeling good, maybe for not being the up lifter that we usually are. - See more at:
Sometimes when we feel strong emotions that we label as the “negatives” ~ sadness, anger, frustration, irritation, crying and generally feeling lower down the emotional scale we can beat ourselves up about it.  Judging ourselves for not being happy or feeling good, maybe for not being the up lifter that we usually are. - See more at:
Sometimes when we feel strong emotions that we label as the “negatives” ~ sadness, anger, frustration, irritation, crying and generally feeling lower down the emotional scale we can beat ourselves up about it.  Judging ourselves for not being happy or feeling good, maybe for not being the up lifter that we usually are. - See more at:
Sometimes when we feel strong emotions that we label as the “negatives” ~ sadness, anger, frustration, irritation, crying and generally feeling lower down the emotional scale we can beat ourselves up about it.  Judging ourselves for not being happy or feeling good, maybe for not being the up lifter that we usually are. - See more at:
Sometimes when we feel strong emotions that we label as the “negatives” ~ sadness, anger, frustration, irritation, crying and generally feeling lower down the emotional scale we can beat ourselves up about it.  Judging ourselves for not being happy or feeling good, maybe for not being the up lifter that we usually are. - See more at:
Sometimes when we feel strong emotions that we label as the “negatives” ~ sadness, anger, frustration, irritation, crying and generally feeling lower down the emotional scale we can beat ourselves up about it.  Judging ourselves for not being happy or feeling good, maybe for not being the up lifter that we usually are. - See more at:
We are vibrational beings, giving and receiving on a signal that we are giving out to the world. it is only right we receive what we put out, how can it be any other way.
Look around you, the evidence of your vibration is all around you, people, money, situations, job, home life, I invite you all to take a good look around. What is your life saying about your vibration? What is your life saying about YOU?.

Liz's mission in life is to spread positive vibes around the world and this hour spent with Liz has certainly given me the inspiration to in turn spread these positive vibes. it was a pleasure to spend that hour with Liz. I suggest following Liz's face book page as she has daily inspirations and likes to interact with you, she loves getting messages from you and will always reply.

Please go visit Liz

Day 5
Andy Shaw

Andy Shaw, the penny drops and that was the "aha" moment for me when listening to Andy. Author of Creating A Bug Free Mind and Using A Bug Free Mind, books that I will no doubt be buying just makes sense.

Motivation is like petrol in a car, it will only take you so far before it runs out, Inspiration goes on forever, be inspired

Andy has worked on bringing together material to remove the faulty thinking that is blocking a person from being successful in life. Dont you just love that!!! removing that faulty thinking!!!!!
 The books are filled in great detail of the process that in which we can eliminate faulty thinking. Andy goes on to say that our minds are filled with junk programming and is now acting as a virus which just shuts everything down. I am pretty sure you know what it feels like to have a virus on your computer, things don't work properly,even to a point of losing control of your computer. What do we do?, we eliminate the virus and once again we have back our control of the computer. What if I said that our minds work the same way? What if I said our minds have a virus?
We are all designed for success, which is something I think all of the guest speakers on this summit agree with. But then "we" get in the way and block our success with our thoughts and beliefs we have picked up along our life path.
"Thoughts do not stand still, they either take you to where you want to go, or, take you away from it"
The thought of having a bug free mind just excites me, I cant wait to delve into these books and get into the core elements of removing self-sabotaging and self-limiting beliefs.

 "The book likens the problem to one of attempting to load good software onto a computer that already has a virus. Of course this will not work. Well, the same is true about how success is created. People try to create success by sticking some new training into their minds"

"There is a careful set of instructions and techniques to follow to ensure that the reader is able to choose exactly the way to design their success plan, so that it fits exactly the life they desire. Considerable thought is required at this stage. However, the thought is mainly just the reader daydreaming about what their ideal life would be, then formalising it into a plan that they can set about and achieve"

My advise is to get yourself over to Andy's website and read all about this yourself, there is no one better then Andy to explain these processes. I recommend signing up for Andy's 5 free chapters of the books, but before you go take a little peek of Andy on this Video. He really is an amazing guy and to me he just makes sense.

Day 6 

Natalie Ledwell
Get empowered to reach your goals through Mind Movies. Watching a Mind Movie everyday makes materializing your greatest passions and desires into your life fast, fun and easy. Mind Movies has already touched the lives of 1,136,000 people worldwide.

The Mind Movies philosophy is to change the world one person at a time by helping people to identify what they want and, then, create their own powerful “digital vision board” to manifest their best life. Recently, Natalie recorded her journey of achieving what seemed to be an insurmountable goal – going from a size 14 to a size 10 in just 7 weeks. Recognizing these were the same specific principles attributed to the runaway success of the Mind Movies movement, she created an educational, easy to follow and effective success program called “7 Secrets to Happiness.” It is designed to help anyone adopt the right habits to achieve any goal.

I was quite excited to watch guest speaker Natalie Ledwell, I had been intrigued to try this "Mind Movie" technique and I thought it is only fair if  I am going to blog about something I should at least try it. Well there were moments when the hairs on the back of my neck just stood up!!!, you really get into the visions and bring out those feelings of what is it like to have what you want. Whatever your Mind Movie is about you can really get in the moment of what it feels like to have, wealth, love, abundance, or whatever your heart desires. This is not something that is going to take hours out of your day to do, just 3 minutes a day you can attract all the things you want. This is not only powerful but it is a lot of fun to do. Its an easy principle, pictures, affirmations and some inspirational music, the whole concept is quite easy yet so powerful.I say don't hesitate, give it a try as soon as you can and reap the benefits.I was so excited that I found myself being impatient for the Natalie's video to finish just so I could get going on this. I also suggest taking advantage of the free videos Natalie  sends to people that sign up on her website, you get instant access to 6 pre-recorded mind movies, you can use them or use them as an idea of how to do your own.

Day 7 

Brian Ridgway
" Nothing is impossible and everything is possible."

The Brian Ridgway Level 5 Mentoring program is a mentoring program with a major difference.   I am sure we have all, at sometime in our lives. wished that we could find a mentoring program which would enable us to shift the block in our minds, stopping us from moving forward in our lives.

We all want be emotionally free, free to attract money, people etc....and this is what Brian's program is all about. Freedom!!! and tapping into techniques to raise your "Habitual Vibratory Frequency". I think what Brian means by that is learning to rise our vibration easily everyday that is becomes a a habit if you like.
Like most of the guest readers Brian started off his video by talking a little bit about himself and I have to say the man was not in a good place, homeless, depressed and I can only imagine all the rest of the horrible things that was being attracted. But he turned it around and now here he is giving a presentation from paradise.
It is not easy to cram hours worth of material into 1 hour, which is what Brian did, and is why myself and Tinez would like to know more about him, to be honest Brian didn't give too much away about how got from where he was to where he is, so I'm guessing it is all the level 5 mentoring program. I am intrigued by this man and how he went from being homeless to living in Hawaii and living in bliss within 90 days....Yep you heard me 90 days!!!.
Brian like all our guest speakers believes we can have everything we want and that it is easier than we believe to get it. "We are literally designed to be absolutely, wealthy and totally free. but we have been programmed to lose it"

Day 8 
Dr Joe Rubino
Dr. Joe Rubino is an internationally acclaimed expert on the topic of self-esteem, a life-changing personal development trainer and success coach and best selling author of 11 books and multiple audio sets and videos on topics ranging from how to restore self-esteem, achieve business success, maximize joy and fulfilment in life and productivity in business. An acclaimed speaker and course leader, he is known for his groundbreaking work in personal and leadership development, building effective teams, enhancing listening and communication skills, life and business coaching and optimal life planning. He is also an expert Network Marketing trainer, author, coach, leader and consultant. 

Dr Joe Rubino, my kinda guy shoots straight from the hip. Law of attraction as we all know, or at least you should be getting the idea if you have been reading this blog is about bringing things into our lives we want.Of the course the opposite can also be true, we can bring in bad things as easily and as quickly as bringing in the good things when we are exhibiting energy or qualities that don't support what we want. As Dr Joe Rubino puts it when things, bad things are happening to us we start to wonder why these things are happening, and we have all sat there in our little pity moments, thinking to ourselves, I don't deserve this, or, what did I do to deserve this.
Look around yourself, you will see that whatever is manifesting in your lives is perfectly consistent with the things you are attracting.

" If put forth love you get love back, if you put forth anger you get angry people, revengeful people, and you wonder why you only get to play the role of victim"

I would like to share with you The Drs 10 practical things you can do to jump start law of attraction.

1. Create an inspirational written vision. (write your positive vision down and read it twice a day) 2. Manage your interpretations aggressively.
3.Keep your reactive nature in check.
4. Do onto others what you want to attract into your own life.
5. Forgive yourself and others.
6. Magnify your blessings by being grateful.
7. Develop your personal effectiveness and charisma.
8. Decisive, definitive daily action.
9. Keep a journal.
10. Invitation to always act from love.

Now, there was one important factor one that I have been incorporating into my life and was fascinated to see that Dr Joe touches on this. Debrief your conversations with other people. Whats that mean?...well ask yourself this question, who was I being during that interaction?....makes you stop and think doesn't it, how am I portraying myself. Was I being self centred?, was the conversation about them?, how did it go?. I have to be honest with you I have been quite shocked at some of the answers I have found about myself. But the beauty of knowing is, it can be changed.


Day 9
Andy Harrington
Andy’s passion is in raising peoples earning potential by breaking them out of the limited mindset of how much they think they are worth. His Power to Achieve Weekend Seminar has helped improve the quality of lives of thousands of successful people around the world and is a must attend for anyone serious about realising their potential.

Andy Harrington is known as the worlds leading public speaking expert. He has shared the stage with people such as Richard Branson, Anthony Robbins and someone we know very well with his law of attraction practices Bob Proctor.

Its kinda funny because I was only saying to my friend and co writer of this blog recently that I would love to be a law of attraction speaker.... Again Law of  Attraction in action. I thought it, I felt it, I discussed it and in pops Andy Harrington showing me the very principles on being a successful speaker. Can it get any better then that?
Andy's video was quite short compared to all the other guest speakers, however it was more then enough time to tell you about his programme and what it can do for you.
Would you like to learn more about the following principles?
  •  Gaining Great Presentation Skills
  • Structuring  your talk
  • Engaging With Your Audience 
  • Getting Paid To Speak
Well this is what Andy's program promises to do. While Andy did not beat around the bush about the cost of his program, and we are talking thousands, I am sure many people are going to take advantage of the special deal has put together for the law of attraction summit attendees. 

Andy believes that you should be living the life you deserve and he knows why many of us are not and that is why he put this special deal together. If you have been tuning into the summit you will know about limiting beliefs because I think all the guest speakers have talked about the limits we put upon ourselves.Yes we limit ourselves with our thinking and what we believe to be true about ourselves, and if your beliefs are limiting then what chance have you got in successfully engaging with your audience. Andy said that by sharing what you believe you can change peoples beliefs which sets into motion the structure of being a great speaker. It changes peoples thoughts, and what happens when you change peoples thoughts?, it changes peoples feelings, from feelings decisions are made, new actions are initiated, ending with new results.
I think this is a GREAT opportunity to take advantage of being taught by one of the most inspirational speakers of all time. The video below is the actual video that was part the LOA Summit. I actually found this on youtube.

Andy Harrington Quotes:
“Money doesn’t move to you unless there is a reason for it to do so”
“Make your goals so big and inspiring that they make your problems seem insignificant by comparison”
“In life you either have problems or you have goals but you will never have neither”
“Decisions are only decisions when they are acted upon”
“Money is as abundant is oxygen, make sure you breath in and out often enough”
“Why do people try all their lives to fit in, when we are born to stand out”
“If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing badly” (until you get good at it..!)
“The best nation in the world is your imagination”
“If you don’t learn to advertise in your own mind someone else is going to get in there and do it for you”

Day 10
Cynthia Kersey
Cynthia Kersey is a leader in the transformational industry. She’s the bestselling author of two books, Unstoppable and Unstoppable Women, a collection of powerful stories and strategies from people who through perseverance and consistent action turned obstacles into personal triumph. These books have motivated countless readers with over 500,000 copies sold worldwide in 17 languages.

The giving lady as I call her.I love the thought of being unstoppable and Cynthia certainly proves that we can all be unstoppable when we are inspired by the power of giving.
I find Cynthia to be an exciting woman and would love to take one of her coaching programs. I will be certainly reading her 30 day challenge book Unstoppable Women: Achieve Any Breakthrough Goal In 30 Days
Cynthia talks about the law of giving and receiving "There is a difference between giving and trading" in other words you do something for me and I will do something for you and isn't that something we see a lot of?,. To truly give is to give without the expectation of receiving anything in return. It certainly made me look at the relationships in my life and ask the question, am I in a giving relationship or a trading relationship?. I can honestly say that the majority of my relationships with people are very easy, pleasant and unrestricted and I have certainly never felt obligated so I guess because I am a very giving person I attract giving people.

" The greatest natural resource in the world is not in the earth,s waters or minerals, nor in the forests or grasslands. It is the spirit that resides in every unstoppable person. And the spirit of the individual benefits us all" 

I cant talk about Cynthia without talking about the wonderful Unstoppable Foundation and as you know if you guys upgrade your LOA membership you not only get unlimited access to the summit to listen to over and over again but 50% of the proceeds also go to The Unstoppable Foundation, that is  huge and such a worthy cause.
All children should have an education and this is what the foundation is all about, giving education to children in developing nations.And if you go to the foundations website there are many ways you can get involved.

I encourage you to read all about Cynthia because she really is an inspiring woman. Cynthia like most people has been through devastating experiences in her life, and of course there always the one that guides us to a greater purpose " When you have a great pain in your life, you need a greater purpose" I find that to be very true so I find myself giving thanks to the contrasts of life because I know they have helped me reach this unbelievable life I am now living.
Cynthia was a great way to end the summit and has inspired me to go for that deeper purpose in life.

So that's the end of a thrilling summit but its not the end for us. For some of us this summit has added to what we already knew ,but has also added some new ways of thinking and incorporating law of attraction into our lives, and for some it is just the beginning of a wonderful life. This has been a magical time for all that has been involved, and we have taken away with us valuable insights from ALL of the guest speakers. This summit has been eye opening, educational, knowledgeable and has brought to us many of the platforms we can use with the law of attraction in all areas of our lives.

Thank you we are truly, truly, grateful

Jane and Tinez

Thursday 13 June 2013

Setting New Standards BE THE REAL YOU!!!!

Whatever you do in life be the real you. who is the real you? the real you is happy, joyful, grateful, appreciative, whatever happy positive words you can think of is the real you but you have to feel them too.
Jack Canfield has put forward a theory in regards to our behaviours. E+R+O and that is Events, Response and Outcome. Events we cant change ,they are going to happen anyway be it a good event or bad event, but , we can change is our response to it, and as Jack went on to say when things go wrong and we don't get the outcome we desire we always blame the event when in fact it is our behaviour that sets the outcome . Change your response!!!! change your thinking, your belief, and your behaviours. It might not always be a good outcome but how we respond is the key and will give us the strength to walk away from things that no longer serve us.

I have recently set some very high standards for myself but as Derek Mills says "people will still judge and see you at your old standards" at least for a while. You must keep to these standards anyway ,it is quite magical, you will see results and I promise you that.
Because of these standards I have set for myself I find myself doing things that I have always wanted to do but just never did it. My book Life Is Like Pink Elephants And Lemonade is in its infancy and while I am eager to get this book out to the public I do want to take my time with it. The words and message I am trying to convey to the world is important to me. Its not going to be complicated just simple and easy ,as I want to reach audiences of all ages. I hope it brings comfort and joy to whoever reads it. It will be available first through iApple but hardback or paperback book will be available as well.

Life is meant to be joyful ,but, we have been made to believe from a very young age that life is supposed to be hard and we have to work very hard at it, and boy!!! how many quotes and bumper stickers do we see saying life is meant to be hard. I have lived with that belief for so long but when I let go of that belief things started to change  As quoted by Esther Hicks " people tend to try and paddle upstream because they think everything they want is there, when in fact all you have to do is let go of the paddles and bask in the down stream because all the good things are there, truly they are. Go about your day with ease and things will flow.

As your vibration changes things change. Events, people, situations will fall away because we are no longer a vibrational match. At first it may be a difficult thing to do especially when it comes to people, we try and change them but we cant, nor should we.
You cant do that because it makes me unhappy, don't do that because it makes me unhappy, you cant go there it makes me unhappy, I don't want you to do that because it makes me that familiar to anyone?, I'm  pretty sure it is. When I stopped doing things or more importantly stopped doing things because it made people unhappy it thwarted my growth. people should be allowed to grow into the person they are meant to be and what a woman I am turning out to be.

I have surrounded myself with motivational and positive people. Actors, artists, photographers, they live life to the full their facebook statuses are amazing and you can tell they are living their life in alignment to how they feel and because of that their success is evident.

I know this is all words to some people and yes words don't teach, we can only teach through the clarity of our example, so I am now very mindful of how I behave especially around young people.

                      I like being me, the REAL me, its easy.


Sunday 26 May 2013

The Begining

So when did this all start.........."Life Is Like Pink Elephants And Lemonade" no I haven't lost my mind but it is a state of mind.

May 14th my flight from Arizona to Dallas. I wasn't particularly thinking about anything so I kinda thought it was strange when the words pink elephants and lemonade came to mind, I even put it on my facebook status. The words made me feel good and I started to wonder what kind of world it would be or looked like if it was pink a elephants and lemonade world. At first I giggled, (Actually im still giggling) then I had an overwhelming sense of joy. I had all my answers now, the trip to Arizona was refreshing in many areas of my life. My heart was open, I knew my heart was open because I saw the beauty in everything my eyes captured.....I felt free, life felt EASY!!!! I became fully concious of my breathing and with every breath I took in love.
While the last 2 and half years of my life have been awesome the penny didn't actually drop until that day on my flight.
It didn't stop there. I made pink elephants and lemonade my motto, because after all my life was like pink elephants and lemonade for me. It and wasn't long before people were joining in this joyful feeling. You cant help but smile when you say pink and elephants lemonade. (im giggling again)
The rampage of positive repercussions of these simple words just drifted down that stream at great pace . A new facebook page, website in the making, the Life Is Like Pink Elephants book in the making, T-Shirts,cups, keychains in the making, it has gone mega crazy.

Law Of Attraction plays a big part in "Life is like Pink Elephants And Lemonade" and these laws have served me very well. There were 5 elements I put into practice with instant results.

1.Be Grateful
3.Change Your Thinking
4.Let Go Of Resistance
5.Love Unconditionally

Now these 5 elements are powerful BUT you cant just say the words you have to feel it (I get goosebumps just writing this), you have to believe it, you have to trust the universe will deliver. If you are in a situation where your expansion is thwarted then its time to leave, its that simple. Happiness is your most important emotion it is your responsibility and yours alone. Wealth, Love, Health, Abundance. Unfortunately we have been made to believe that we can only be happy once we get those things. STOP!!!! .....right there!!!!! you must first Be happy, you must be a vibrational match to which you are wanting. Be Happy!!, with that being said do not fall victim of having the responsibility of making someone else happy, its not your job and will always be an epic fail.

I have a piece of clear quartz that a very, very dear friend gave to me. Every time I pick up that crystal I think of something to be grateful for. This gratitude doesn't have to be big in any way, it could be the cup of coffee you had this morning, the old pair of smelly shoes you wont throw away because they are so comfortable, or just something as simple as a glancing smile from a stranger you passed on the street as they caught your eye. When you are looking through the eyes of joy, happiness, gratitude and appreciation every thing is beautiful.

At the heart of every condition is a vibrational pattern-a rather minor tweaking of vibrational patterning (sort of like the hub of a wheel) can effect tremendously out there on the peripheral of this big wheel.....a little bit of tweaking on the emotion can make big differences in the way the physical manifestation occurs. AB-Hicks

You cannot judge the value of life by its quantity. It is by the joy your are feeling. AB-Hicks 

I am not going to give you my hardship stories. I have written a new one and it goes something like life is AWESOME!!!!!!

My dreams have been answered
My work is a labour of love
I buy what I want when I want
I pamper myself daily

Life is meant to be this way!!!!!!!!!

Life Is Like Pink Elephants And Lemonade Facebook Page