Sunday 26 May 2013

The Begining

So when did this all start.........."Life Is Like Pink Elephants And Lemonade" no I haven't lost my mind but it is a state of mind.

May 14th my flight from Arizona to Dallas. I wasn't particularly thinking about anything so I kinda thought it was strange when the words pink elephants and lemonade came to mind, I even put it on my facebook status. The words made me feel good and I started to wonder what kind of world it would be or looked like if it was pink a elephants and lemonade world. At first I giggled, (Actually im still giggling) then I had an overwhelming sense of joy. I had all my answers now, the trip to Arizona was refreshing in many areas of my life. My heart was open, I knew my heart was open because I saw the beauty in everything my eyes captured.....I felt free, life felt EASY!!!! I became fully concious of my breathing and with every breath I took in love.
While the last 2 and half years of my life have been awesome the penny didn't actually drop until that day on my flight.
It didn't stop there. I made pink elephants and lemonade my motto, because after all my life was like pink elephants and lemonade for me. It and wasn't long before people were joining in this joyful feeling. You cant help but smile when you say pink and elephants lemonade. (im giggling again)
The rampage of positive repercussions of these simple words just drifted down that stream at great pace . A new facebook page, website in the making, the Life Is Like Pink Elephants book in the making, T-Shirts,cups, keychains in the making, it has gone mega crazy.

Law Of Attraction plays a big part in "Life is like Pink Elephants And Lemonade" and these laws have served me very well. There were 5 elements I put into practice with instant results.

1.Be Grateful
3.Change Your Thinking
4.Let Go Of Resistance
5.Love Unconditionally

Now these 5 elements are powerful BUT you cant just say the words you have to feel it (I get goosebumps just writing this), you have to believe it, you have to trust the universe will deliver. If you are in a situation where your expansion is thwarted then its time to leave, its that simple. Happiness is your most important emotion it is your responsibility and yours alone. Wealth, Love, Health, Abundance. Unfortunately we have been made to believe that we can only be happy once we get those things. STOP!!!! .....right there!!!!! you must first Be happy, you must be a vibrational match to which you are wanting. Be Happy!!, with that being said do not fall victim of having the responsibility of making someone else happy, its not your job and will always be an epic fail.

I have a piece of clear quartz that a very, very dear friend gave to me. Every time I pick up that crystal I think of something to be grateful for. This gratitude doesn't have to be big in any way, it could be the cup of coffee you had this morning, the old pair of smelly shoes you wont throw away because they are so comfortable, or just something as simple as a glancing smile from a stranger you passed on the street as they caught your eye. When you are looking through the eyes of joy, happiness, gratitude and appreciation every thing is beautiful.

At the heart of every condition is a vibrational pattern-a rather minor tweaking of vibrational patterning (sort of like the hub of a wheel) can effect tremendously out there on the peripheral of this big wheel.....a little bit of tweaking on the emotion can make big differences in the way the physical manifestation occurs. AB-Hicks

You cannot judge the value of life by its quantity. It is by the joy your are feeling. AB-Hicks 

I am not going to give you my hardship stories. I have written a new one and it goes something like life is AWESOME!!!!!!

My dreams have been answered
My work is a labour of love
I buy what I want when I want
I pamper myself daily

Life is meant to be this way!!!!!!!!!

Life Is Like Pink Elephants And Lemonade Facebook Page